

Each exam seemed to be very easy that I finished without doubt, but I still have to prepare the exam of SSP. Tomorrow is the last one in this session. After that, a short holiday will come. Wish the weather will be better that I can hang out with my friends!


My body feels ache because of the exercise yesterday. I finished my second essay and get a nice score. Tomorrow I still have two exams that I have to work hard.


A new week begins, but the weather makes me depressed. The volunteer work is cancelled because of the weather, so that I went to the gym. This week is also the last week of the session. I have to prepare the exam now.


I woke up late today. After lunch, I studied the Bible with my teacher. The stories in the Bible are so fascinating and mystery. I try to understand all of them.


A lot of study occupy my time today. There are other things but few. After today's work, I felt so tired. Everyday is same that I think i should do some change.


This week seems to be a rainy week. Today is another rainy day. I looked the future weather report that it said the rain might continue. I stayed in my room to study as usual. My friend are talking about the plan what we are going to do this weekend.


The weather turn to be good. How I wish I could go to have a travel but there days I have to study. Even lying on the grass is such a beautiful thing in today. I called my old friend, talking about the days we hung out together.